Configuration options#

The configuration options that you will encounter would be one of the

CMake native options#

The full list of cmake variables can be overwhelming for newcomers, however this is a great resource to find all that CMake can do. Here I will give just list the very most basic options that you typically need to get started.





Specify <LANG> compiler


Append <LANG> compiler flags

Try to avoid [1]


Specify where to install the project


Specify what build variant to configure

Can be set to "" to disable CMake default flags

Here <LANG> is typically one of C, CXX, Fortran, and many others.


There are more options related to finding/importing dependencies explained in the import section. Please read that section carefully.

Project specific options#

Consult with the actual project’s documentation for the options available. Here is just the list of options that are encouraged to be implemented by this template.





Build project’s test-suite

Dynamic default [2]


Build project’s libraries as shared library

Dynamic default [2]


Enable installing the project

Dynamic default [2]

Here <PROJECT> is the project’s option namespace, which is typically the uppercase name of the project.

Upstream project options#

CMake options are propagated to upstream dependencies that are imported if the project is imported via FetchContent (see import section for more details). You can thus control the options of these dependencies as well, e.g. you could set <PROJECT2>_TESTS=ON to test the imported <PROJECT2> as well.

This, however, does not work with installed projects.